Pauline's Yarn Monster

A knit obsessed girl in a beautiful world...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Ok I know I haven't been posting much. I have been working weekends and putting in alot of time with exercise, but haven't skated yet. I am going all day Sunday if my legs can take it. Because I have been so obsessed and not had a chance to do it, I have been scanning the net for things from the past. I managed to find some pics of my very 1st pair of Roller Skates from my childhood on ebay of all places, plus an AWESOME rollerskating video from the early 1980's.

Step this way to a world that shouldn't have changed. Luddites UNITE !

AND - for all the hardcore fans.....

Oh that gives me the chills !!!!

Ok one more. How could I post about Rollerskating and not include a clip of Xanadu ?

*big smiles* especially since T is sitting next to me as I post this and just rolling his eyes...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Who's makin' a sweater ??

That's right. It's me ^_^

I had to post a pic of my shapely figure for you all, plus I figured a little eye candy wouldn't hurt.
This is the sweater that dark wave built. Plus, as my 1st sweater, I just wanna say I whupped a llama's ass on this project. Let's hope I can do contrast intarsia on my elbows like patches as I am intending. I think some black stars would be nice. What do you think ??

We are celebrating our Anniversary and Valentine's on Friday. Computer work has been taking precedent..But I can still smell the leather of my boots in here, oh they are wonderful... I am hopefully going to pick up some skates and pads so I can exercise in the street. No derby for me, not yet anyhow. The neck is still busted and slowly fading. Hugs and Kisses to all of you for Valentine's Day - I hope it was special !

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Derby Fever !!!!

Oh yeah ! We went to the State Fair and saw the local gals square up and do the derby.
My only regret is that the past week & 1/2 I have had chronic neck and tmj pain, which has been hella distracting and somewhat deterring me from joining this very second.
Ok one more regret, I am so selfish and annoyed that all my friends here are mothers and they cant drop everything to go rollerskating with me after work. I said I knew I was selfish.....

I feel somewhat fanatical about the girls in the series....I looked them all up online and a few of them seem to be new mommies too..
So an anonymous shout out to Lux, Luna, Hades Lady and Witchbaby. Congratulations ladies ^_^

In other delightful news, today is mine and Mr. T's 2nd year anniversary - still madly in love !
Still getting married in November and haven't planned a darn thing for the wedding.
Oh yeah, eloping sounds great right about this second.
For valentines/anniversary I am now a proud owner of these !!!
May I add they are super sexy and super comfy ^_^ and MINE !!!
(ok I just wound up having to toss out a pair of my fave snake boots because the humidity rotted a nice replacement for a down soldier....

Still sticking with the Kinetic trainer Ana, and I have lost 6 pounds ! So good stuff.
In crafty news, I have almost gotten through the skull chart on my sweater !!!!
Pics will be up most likely tomorrow when I finish the body. I am pretending that Kneesocky and I am in a race, so I get to beat her at knitting fast (wishful thinking).

Hugs and fluff


Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Still doing Kinetic, and rocked it yesterday.

I miss knitting.
I'm gonna pick up my sweater and say screw the side shaping. It's cold, and I want a skull in the underarm/pit area.
I will post progress. I was toying with making the Eiffel in the latest Knitty, but my top heaviness would make it a waste of time. One sweter that is boxy, and then next will be a Glampyre.

Linky-poo at Stitch Diva
Simple Knit Bodice

warm hugs when it's cold ^_^
btw, the rollergirls dvd kicks ass, and T thinks my skate name should be

Mentl (like Yentl).. I still like Shayma Meynala.
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