Resolutions(well everyone else has them, and I've only seen Kneesocky share ;))
*lose weight.The happy in love pounds have taken over and gaining weight in excess of 23 pounds since T and I got together is no longer acceptable.
I have started my routine yesterday and can already feel my knees paying for the extra pounds. Ultimate goal - possibly 35 pounds (more like 30 really). That was the weight I was when I moved to Florida 15 years ago. That was over weight for me then ! I resolve to do it in a healthy way which means exercising and not quitting or slacking once I can tell it's really working like I have done in the past. I owe it to myself to be happy with how I look in any pictures from the day I get married. Plus, If I get pregnant at this weight I am now, I could have significant heart problems, not to mention increased risk of diabetes, and I dont want the beetis.
This includes portion control, and no more "I deserve one more cocktail, I work hard" mentality.
*save $ for a houseI cannot stand to rent any longer. I deserve some equity, and I already have a small nest egg account started to get to the goal of being a home owner. T says he is saving too ! I hope he really is, because I cant do everything on my own !
*vacationI will have a vacation this year.
Not with friends, just me and T - even if it winds up being a night at a local hotel for the weekend. I must have a vacation, and The Swan or Dolphin in Orlando comes to mind. *sigh* a day at a spa would suffice.
*stay positive and less negativeThis past year was a roller coaster for sure ! I will try not to hate my neighbors and their noisy mouths, I will try not to think of how great it would be to poison their dog, or wish it gets hit by a car. (I think it's happened already actually ! He chased T last night and he went growling after that little dog. I thought he was limping or holding a leg up....
I love how T will just go rogue and snarl and chase away the mini pin...But if he got hit, I have no sympathy, they let him run all over and not on a leash. It's no wonder he got hurt. People, when necessary discipline and control your dog and YOUR CHILDREN. ( Let me say I love dogs, I really do, but their dogs I DO NOT - and I would never hurt them - EVER)
*no more snoozingI have been a chronic snooze button addict for 5 years. I mean like snoozing a half to full hour and now T does it in the same fashion. I have to get up before him and leave before him and I decided I was stopping this, and am happy to report after on snooze in the New Year, I actually woke up before the alarm this morning !
So progress ! Going to bed before 11 sucks it, but I have to wake up at 610. That is hell early after waking up at noon or 10 for several months.
So yay ! I am on the road to betterment.
Ok time to finish getting ready for work.